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Foggy landscape
The View from Shenandoah National Park

After we left Ohio, where it was very hot and humid, we dropped my sisters off at the Columbus, Ohio bus station and headed east to Loft Mountain campground at the southern end of Shenandoah National Park. The weather there was much cooler, and cloudy. But since we were on top of a mountain it wasn't so much cloudy as foggy. It really was quite beautiful, but not quite the views we were hoping for. Plus, in the fog it is hard to keep anything dry. Inside the tent was OK, but the fog rolled under the dining fly and soaked the picnic table and everything under it.

The Applachian Trail runs through the park and, in fact, right around the campground. This makes it easy for through-hikers to get to and for me to take my morning walk along part of it.

This day I was determined to paint, so I did a painting of the view from our campsite. There isn't much view, but I think it captures the fog pretty well.

We decided to leave the next day, a day earlier than we had planned. It dawned clear and sunny.